Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Gifts are semi-important to me on christmas. This is because if their were no gifts then I couldn't fulfill a lot of the traditions my family has. I don't think you need to get big gifts for your friends. (off to the side one cool thing you could do with your friends is each donate a few dollars then go shopping for children's toys to donate!!) I gave my friends each a bracelet that I made a few months ago. They loved them. Heres another tip, buy in bulk, get a pack of 5 nail polishes and give each one to a different friend. I don't like to get lotions if anyone knows me well enough they know my mom, who works at a school, gets lotion/body wash sets every year. We are actually not buying lotion any more and trying to get rid of our collection.
Here's what we have left, when we began this bag was EXPLODING!!!

Does anyone else have this problem? And how do you feel about getting gifts/What are your preferences?

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