As a rather short human being, I have discovered the three major
types of hugs a person can give at any given time. This theory was recently provoked by my recent friend-zoning. Just to keep the self pity going on a little longer, I was friend-zoned by a guy, we'll call him A, and still haven't figured out how to act and feel. But that in its entirety is its own story. Regardless, here goes my discussion of the three major types of hugs and their significance.
Type One: The "let me throw myself on you" Hug
It should be noted that this hug can also be known as the "feel my chest against yours," as commonly performed when a teenage girl wants to prove to a guy that there's 'something' there. Nonetheless, this type of hug occurs when the shorter person wraps both of their arms around the taller person, falling into them. Most commonly, I act as the shorter person, so my opinion is subjective, but this hug usually signifies there's a deeper relationship, you can't hug your grandfather with this type of hug. Both hugger and huggee are acting rather spontaneously with this sort of hug and will usually lead to some form of kissing. Its the sort of hug you see in all the sappy videos (which I adore) of deployed husbands and wives coming home to meet their spouses in the airport, there's just so much meaning behind those hugs.
Type Two: The Genuine Friend Hug
I began noticing how I proceeded about hugging my male friends in this specific way over winter break. I attended a work holiday party and proceeded to see many close friends I hadn't seen since the summer. Shockingly enough, some of them had gotten taller, or had appeared to, over the four month
time span. Despite the height difference, I always seemed to do a sort of diagonal hug, where one are goes up and around the shoulder and the other goes under their arm reaching up. I think you all have just experienced how terrible I am at describing hugs so I hope the picture will help. Nonetheless, this is the typical friendship hug. I signifies love, but not romance and a platonic desire to hold someone. This sort of hug *totally* works on family members (of any age), and as I've recently learned is how to hug a person who has friend-zoned you. And though I love being able to say I have moved past all the emotions in a sense that I give A friend hugs, I can't say that's the hug I always want to be giving.
Type Three: The "I need your comforting now" Hug
Every other type of hug can fit into one of the types of hugs listed above. I'm sure their are many more lists of hugs available to be read across the interwebs but none of them have the incredible stock photos this list shows. Reading this now, it seems rather dull. Good thing I didn't say that at the beginning, or else you never would have reached the end. If only I had a meaningful final sentence to conclude all this...
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