Monday, February 21, 2011


For me its a thing that takes time to develop. Yes the need to clean is not something easily faced. I do it under my free will once it exceeds my tolerance level or I have to to go out with friends or something. I like having long weekends just so on saturday I can spend all day cleaning and still have sunday and monday to have fun! So thats what I did this weekend see:
Doesn't this look so nice theres barley anything cluttering it up. Nothing for my cat to knock off while I'm trying to sleep!!!

My bed with fresh, clean sheets and new pillows. Also a brand new laptop/work thing that I can use in bed. Yes that is Night by Elie Weisel, I'll post a review soon!

I am so proud of myself for all the work I did and it all makes my room look sooooo  nice!!!

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