Sunday, October 24, 2010


Olive almost all holidays, but sometimes people look past the origin of the holiday and go to the commercial holiday. Don't get me wrong I love holiday. It's just people have turned it into a money ploy (if that even is a word). I wanted to tell you the thruth of Halloween. Originaly it was called all Hallow's eve or all saints eve. It was a christian and Celtic tradition. They believed that on that night anyone from the otherworld (a.k.a. Hell) could come out and walk around. The costumes were so the Spirits would not come bear them. Hence the scary costumes.
In the words "trick or treat" the trick means threat and treat means well, treat. So the phrase meant I will do something bad to you or you could give me a treat.
(off wikipedia a good statment)
Halloween costumes are traditionally modeled after monsters such as ghosts, skeletons, witches, and devils. Over time, the costume selection extended to include popular characters from fiction, celebrities, and generic archetypes such as ninjas and princesses.
I think more people should know the tradition of Halloween and the begining of it.

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