It's hard to get good grades in high school I'm not going to lie. I am mostly an honors student, does this make me perfect, NO. I am anti-homework, and can't stand having to bring school work home. I think some people do not realize how they get good grades. I know the secret, its super simple. (For Parents:) Raise your child to have positive thoughts about good grades, but don't scare them if they get a bad one. For example my mom likes As and Bs but if I get a C she would never scream or erupt or anything she would tell me its okay and help me make up for it. One thing you want to remember as a parent you don't want to have your kids scared of you! make sure you raise them from their first day of school with good study skills and habits. (For Students:) Yes getting good grades is very hard, don't overwhelm yourself with everything you have to do. Plan your time, make a schedule, and stay focused. I realize I'm asking for a lot but all together it will help. I am good in almost all my classes but math, he barley ever checks the hw but today for the first time he did, fully. I wasn't such a good student and I only did half of the problems. The worst part of this is that in his class if you forget 1 hw you can get TWO points off your final grade. I began freaking out, and just started copping the questions into my note book, it worked. Maybe since I am a good pupil in his class or that I flipped the page there and back really fast but it worked. I started shaking and getting all nervous while that 5 minutes of my life went on but, I don't want to have anyone feel what I felt then because it felt like crap. So I think everyone should realize what kind of teacher they have and build up their skill in that region so that success becomes a bit easier.
Are you/ Where you a good student?
What was/is your toughest class?
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I personally hated highschool! Hated it, but one of my biggest regrets was not trying harder in school. To be honest school was boring and the drama overwhelmed me because I wasn't cool. :) Reality is there is a big world out there and if you can buckle down in highschool it will open doors for you in whatever you want to be when you grow up.
ReplyDeleteDon't settle! Be great!